Greetings, !
We are finally entering the last month of winter: February. For those regions that were affected by the recent snowstorm (including the US Southeast), the sun has come out and melted some (or all) of the snow.
We hope you survived the month of January in good health and good spirits. Maybe you even participated in some outdoor winter activities, like skiing, sledding or building a snowman. And hopefully you also had to opportunity to participate in some of NAUA's activities and offerings. If you missed the monthly Worship Service or NAUA Academy sessions, links to recordings can be found at the bottom of this message.
Following January's board retreat, NAUA committees are being formalized, with some new committees added. Please look for an email later this month describing each committee and sharing how members can join.
A wide range of NAUA activities and events are planned for February. Please check them out and consider participating. Or even better, invite a friend or family member to join you!