We are pleased to announce the addition of an eleventh organizational member to the NAUA, joining our ten existing organizational members:
- Canadian Unitarian Free Christian Ecclesia
- Glacier Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
- Hayward NAUA Fellowship
- Open Hearts and Minds Fellowship
- The Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Council
- Unitarian Christian Church of America (UCCA)
- Unitarian Christian Fellowship
- Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane
- Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Shoals
- Unitarian Universalist Faith Alliance & Ministries
Along with this new organizational member, the 75+ voting members of the UU Congregation of Flint (UUCF) have also joined the NAUA. The entire congregation recently held a unanimous vote to approve this move.
According to the church's co-minister (Rev. Jerry Kerr), "The UU Congregation of Flint (UUCF) has been around for 95 years. We are a very 'typical' UU church in every way. Our congregants are gay, straight, transgender, Black, White, atheist, pagan and progressive Christians. We are promoting ourselves in several places as a good place for progressive Christians to be, and it seems to be working very well."
Rev. Jerry Kerr and his wife Rev. Lynn Kerr joined the congregation as ministers over 6 years ago. "When we came here, we found a congregation very uniformly upset at how the UUA treated them when they were searching for a minister. The UUCF moderator at that time told the UUA rep that the church might hire an African American man who was an activist and a community organizer, and was told that the UUA would 'mess with our mortgage' if we hired someone who was not in the UU Ministers Association (UUMA) process. Ouch! (We didn't even have a mortgage with the UUA or even with the old American Unitarian Association—AUA.)"
"When Peter Morales was fired, the congregants here (and Lynn and I in Ohio at that time) were concerned. We knew Peter, and his work, and something didn't seem fair about this. Fast forward to 2022 and our congregation sent a letter to Dr. Susan Frederick Gray asking that those who opposed the process and content of the proposed Article II, be given equal time in the UU World magazine. Dr. Gray said that would be expensive and there wasn't enough time to do this before the next GA. This did not happen before the next GA when Article II passed. More defrocking of UU ministers and punitive action taken against a good-offices advocate solidified this congregation's opinion that the UUA was not operating in accord with their own values."
In addition to the congregation's 78 voting members, they have many regular attendees who also pledge. Their average Sunday in-person attendance is 51, with an average of 60 "views" per service on their YouTube channel.
According to Rev. Jerry Kerr, "We hope NAUA continues to champion the historic, precious values that created liberal religion out of the tradition of Calvinist Puritans. Upholding and honoring the faculty of reason, that helps us discern how to be truly loving, is of utmost importance. Our motto is: 'Love, Justice and Reason...in Faith'."
Welcome to our newest members! If your congregation is looking to join a member service organization that is better aligned with your congregation's mission and needs, you are invited to consider joining NAUA. For information on next steps, feel free to email info@naunitarians.org and an NAUA board member will respond. |