New Summit Special Issue of the Liberal Beacon

This Issue of the Liberal Beacon introduces the Beacon’s new editor John Griffin.

It features extensive details about the upcoming NAUA Summit to be held Oct. 17-20 in Spokane and online via Zoom.  Besides details of the Summit, this issue features short bios of the NAUA members who have been nominated for the Board and a draft of the proposed NAUA Bylaws to be discussed and voted upon.

Download Liberal Beacon #13 PDF

NAUA and the Future of Liberal Religion

NAUA & the Future of Liberal Religion
As NAUA prepares for its first Summit in Spokane,  Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof will share his thoughts about the direction it should take in its efforts to help Unitarianism and liberal religion to carry on and thrive. This presentation will include his ideas about membership growth, outreach, and future kinds so services and support NAUA might offer.

Speaker Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

When Oct. 8 2024 at 4:30 PDT (7:30 EDT).

You MUST register for the session to obtain the Zoom URL.

The presentation features a guest speaker, a question and answer and then a smart breakout group.

NAUA Service: 9/21/2024 – Healing the West by Julian Adorney

NAUA Service: 9/21/2024 - Healing the West by Julian Adorney

This monthly service includes Chalice Lighting, Hymns, guest music and an very interesting guest speaker – Julian Adorney. Julian Adorney is the founder of Heal the West, a Substack movement dedicated to preserving and repairing our liberal social contract. . He is also a contributor to Reality’s Last Stand. On his vision, he writes, “The North Star of my life is to heal the West. I perceive 3 existential threats: left-wing illiberalism, right-wing illiberalism, and toxic polarization.”

Dynamic Keynote Speaker Announced for NAUA Summit

NAUA is very pleased to announce that John Wood Jr. will be joining us as the keynote speaker for the historic first NAUA Summit in Spokane Oct 17-20th.

John Wood Jr. is a leading figure in the American depolarization movement. He is national ambassador for Braver Angels, the United States largest grassroots, bipartisan organization dedicated to political depolarization.

A nationally recognized public speaker on the subjects of political and racial reconciliation, Wood has spoken across America to a wide range of the nation’s most respected think tanks, universities, corporations, philanthropic organizations and political associations including the Aspen Institute, the Manhattan Institute, CPAC 2019, Global Philanthropy Forum, the Philanthropy Roundtable, Upswell, Target, General Mills, LucasFilm, Oregon League of Cities, Institute for Local Government, and campus audiences including Pepperdine, Duke University, USC, Purdue, UC Berkeley and many others.

Mr. Wood’s written work has appeared in a wide range of publications, including The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Examiner, Quillette Magazine, Areo Magazine, Reflections (A Journal of the Yale School of Divinity), Real Clear Politics, Persuasion Magazine, The American Interest and many others. Wood is a cohost of the Braver Angels Podcast and host of The John Wood Jr. Show.

Prior to his work with Braver Angels, Wood was the state of California’s youngest active nominee for congress in the 2014 election cycle, challenging Maxine Waters in California’s 43rd district. His unifying campaign was covered by outlets including The National Review and The Larry Elder Show. After the election Wood was elected as 2nd Vice-Chairman of the Republican Party of Los Angeles, the largest Republican county party in America.

In addition to his work with Braver Angels, Wood serves as an advisor to The American Project (an initiative of the Pepperdine School of Public Policy dedicated to restoring the communitarian roots of conservatism), the Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism, the 1776 Unites Project, is a member of the Progress Network (an initiative of the New America Foundation) and is a field-builder with the New Pluralists Collaborative (a coalitional group focused on connecting and supporting organization committed to depolarization and social justice). Wood has worked in support of educational opportunities for at risk youth in inner-city Los Angeles in the areas of tutoring and private education. He sits on the board of directors for Strive Arts and Academics, a celebrated private educational facility in South Los Angeles.

Wood was raised in a musical family. His father is noted Jazz Pianist John Wood, his mother a popular Los Angeles based R&B singer Deonda Theus. Wood’s grandfather was record industry pioneer Randy Wood, of Dot Records and Randy’s Record Shop fame. He lives in Los Angeles with his wife and three children.

There is still opportunity to register to attend the SUMMIT online or in-person in Spokane Wa.

Click to view the Summit schedule or Summit registration.

Blog relaunched by Helen Pluckrose

Many of us experienced mind expanding learning when we fead British Academic, Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay’s best selling book Cynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity―and Why This Harms Everybody. This book traced the common ideological thread from postmodern thought and practice as it evolved through Feminism, Gay and Lesbian, Queer, Trans, Fat and X social movements.  Pluckrose has continued her work and writing on liberalism and its foes and now relaunches her blog “The Overflowing of the Liberal Mind

In the first post of the re-launch Pluckrose writes an extended essay titled “Has Liberalism failed? Or are we, as a society, failing to be liberal?  In this post she reviews the fundamental characteristics of liberalism namely:

  • A commitment to individual liberty – freedom of belief, speech, association (individualism)
  • Tolerance of difference and a will to live and let live as well as a recognition of the value of viewpoint diversity to advancing knowledge and resolving conflict in a democratic society (pluralism)
  • Recognition of our shared humanity and the common rights, freedoms and responsibilities this bestows upon us all (universalism),
  • A drive for reform over revolution or reactionism as a model for resolving societal problems.
  • A commitment to actively protecting others’ right to believe, speak and live as they see fit, provided they do no material harm to anyone else nor deny them the same freedoms.
  • The belief that all people come into the world with the same right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and this can only justifiably be removed from any individual due to their own demonstrable harmful actions.
  • An understanding that threats to freedom come not only from the state but from authoritarian ideologies, individuals and groups, so liberal principles need to be protected not only in law but widely understood and valued in society.
  • A belief that it is in the interests of the overwhelming majority to conserve liberalism and the liberal democracies within which it flourishes.

She then describes the challenges from illiberal forces that threaten these foundational beliefs.  She argues that illiberal thinking, abhorrence of rational discussion, censorship and intolerance are not exclusive to the political right but found at the extreme edge of both political worldviews.  Further, she claims that the opposite of liberal is not conservatism, but rather authoritarianism.

Pluckrose, then provides an interesting analogy about the supposed failure of liberalism in modern society as evidenced by growing forces of authoritarianism in both social and political spheres. She argues that if a treatment of antibiotics does not prove effective at reducing infection, there are at least two probable reasons. Either the medicine doesn’t work or the patient isn’t taking the medicine. By analogy, the evidence that  liberalism is distrusted by activists on both the right and the left doesn’t mean liberalism is a failed medicine for human society but rather that we may be consciously or unconsciously rejecting or not practicing its fundamental characteristics.  Obviously, she favours the later explanation and argues that we need to redouble our efforts “to persuade and demonstrate to them the benefits” of liberal attitudes and practice.

The blog is free to read, but she encourages both unpaid and paid subscriptions that distribute her regular posts via email.