Registration is closed for this event

Mythology has an important connection for Unitarians and others who practice free religions aligned with values of inclusivity, spiritual exploration and the search for universal truths.  As Myths often embody the mystery and wonder of life, this will be an opportunity to think of your mythical connection to archetypes and the hero/heroine’s journey.  During our sessions we will explore how the commonality of myths has fostered interconnectedness and provides a foundation for our spiritual and religious traditions.

We welcome new participants to the second session of this five-part series, held on Zoom on the second Saturday of the month, ending in May 2025. The time is 10:00 AM PT, 1:00 PM ET, 
6:00pm UK time and 7:00pm Central European time. 

This discussion group will be hosted by Marga Hanna, MA, a retired Registered Clinical Counselor/Psychotherapist and Art Therapist, with experience as a University Professor and Trauma Specialist.  She will be supported by Wayne Hanna, PhD., FCMC with cross-cultural experience in leadership development.

The suggested pre-reading for the second session is chapters four to eight of “The Power of Myth." We also recommend viewing the second lecture in the Joseph Campbell ‘Mythos Series’ titled “The Spirit Land," available on YouTube.

If you have not registered for this Study Course before, please register below. If you have already registered, there is no need to register again.

February 8th, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM