January's monthly worship service will focus on the Enlightenment Values of Freedom, Reason and Tolerance.
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January's monthly worship service will focus on the Enlightenment Values of Freedom, Reason and Tolerance, the very same values that were adopted by the NAUA and that stand at the core of Western liberal tradition. The full service title is: "The Enlightenment Values of Freedom, Reason, Tolerance; Advancing the Human Condition Materially and Spiritually; Our Core Strengths." The worship team will make this a group effort. Join in exploring and honoring the primary core values of our liberal faith.

The service will take place on Saturday, January 18th at 10 AM Pacific Time / 1 PM ET. We always have a lively breakout room discussion after the service, where you can meet both new and long time friends.  

A suggestion is to cut and paste the Zoom link below (that will be used for this and other recurring 3rd Sat. services), into your calendar to avoid scrambling to find the address on Saturday! 

Zoom access at https://tinyurl.com/NAUAService

From our website (https://naunitarians.org): "North American Unitarian Association is a member service organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the practice of liberal religion by embracing freedom, reason, and tolerance—rooted in our commitment to the inherent worth and dignity of every person and all peoples."

January 18th, 2025 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
United States