NAUA Board Members 2024-25

Monthly NAUA Board Meeting

NAUA Board meeting. 10:00 AM PST
Apr 9, 2025 10:00 am

At the 1st NAUA Summit and AGM held in Spokane in October 2024, the following NAUA members were elected to serve on the board of trustees for the 2024-25 year.

Todd Eklof


Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof

Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof has been the minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane, WA since 2011, where he’s appreciated for his mind-altering sermons, compassionate soul, and social activism. Rev. Eklof started in the ministry as an ordained Southern Baptist minister but left the Christian faith while still in seminary as a young man, explaining, “I simply outgrew it.” He then began a 16-year career in TV news and corporate video production, during which time he became a Unitarian Universalist (1988) and reentered the ministry as such in 1999, when he began serving the Clifton Unitarian Church in Louisville, Kentucky until 2011. He’s been widely appreciated for his environmental and gay rights activism, in addition to engaging in the areas of criminal justice reform, restorative justice, the peace movement, as well as immigration and racial justice. Eklof has two undergraduate degrees, one in Philosophy, the other in Communications, a master’s degree in religious studies, and a Doctor of Ministry. He is also a certified member of the American Philosophical Practitioners Association (APPA). He is also a founder of NAUA and author of The Gadfly Papers: Thee Inconvenient Essays by One Pesky Minister (2019).



John Wunderlin


John Wunderlin

John has been a Unitarian for more than 20 years. He is a member of Prairie Unitarian Society in Madison, Wisconsin, where he serves on the Board, chairs the Technology Committee, and is a member of the Housing and Property Committee. He is also a member of  the NAUA Summit Planning and Technology Committees. Over the years, John has served on the board of directors for four different non-profits. He holds degrees in Computer Science and Music and is currently a member of two professional orchestras in Wisconsin. He and his wife, Nancy, live in Fitchburg, Wisconsin.

Stephen Polmar


Stephen Polmar, Ph.D., M.D.

Stephen has been a Unitarian since age 17.  Professionally he was a Professor of Pediatrics and Immunology and  subsequently a Vice President of the German pharmaceutical firm, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH. He is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane where he serves as one of the Hosts for the Sunday Service Zoom Group. He is currently a member of the NAUA Provisional Board of Trustees, Chairperson of the NAUA Academy Advisory Board and Coordinator of NAUA’s International Alliance of Unitarians and Universalists. He has also been a contributor to the Liberal Beacon. He lives in Woodbridge, Connecticut and Perugia, Italy with his wife Suzanne.


Bob Simoni


Bob Simoni

Bob Simoni is a founding member of the NAUA Fellowship of Hayward, CA and is also a member of the NAUA Tech and Worship Teams.  He is a former board member of the Starr King UU Church of Hayward and the UU Fellowship of Redwood City, CA as well as a former member of the UU Church of North Easton, MA. He has been a UU in spirit for 35 years and his brother is a UU Minister.  He currently works part-time as a System Administrator for an online bank called SoFi and lives in Paso Robles, CA.

Lynn Jinishian

Lynn Jinishian
Lynn Jinishian was born and raised in Spokane, Washington. She recently completed a 36 year career as a Registered Nurse and Nurse Educator. Lynn joined UUCS in 1996 to be part of a religious liberal community with her husband Robert and their then infant son, Brian. Today she enjoys learning the tiniest details of things she didn’t have time for previously—like how to make the perfect loaf of sourdough. She loves all dogs. If she is not at church on Sunday to learn more about Unitarian history and values, she’s not far away—probably just unplugged at a cabin in the woods of North Idaho where there is a never-ending list of projects.

Judith (Judi) C. Durham, Ph.D., L.P.C.

Judith (Judi) C. Durham, Ph.D., L.P.C.

Judi and her husband, Lorry King, joined the UU Society East (UUSE) in Manchester, CT about 15 years ago. At UUSE, Judi chaired both a group that resettled a refugee family, and the Sanctuary Team that housed an Asylum Seeker. Leading these two groups intersected well with her professional experience as a Professor and Psychotherapist with specialization in international and trauma counseling, and cultural issues in mental health. She has served as a president and on national boards within the Counseling profession. About a year ago, she joined NAUA and is currently involved in the NAUA Summit planning committee.

Jan Anderson

Jan Anderson

Jan Anderson facilitates a NAUA CIRCLE and actively participates in other NAUA programs. For 20 years, she’s been involved in two UU Congregations, serving in leadership roles, teaching, leading RE programs, and engaging in small group ministry. Raised in the Mormon Church, she chose her own path after 38 years. She embraces the NAUA values of freedom, reason and tolerance. Jan was a successful small business owner and now volunteers to lead an English conversation program. She lives with her husband Jim in Snohomish, WA. Jan enjoys nature, dogs, reading, simple living, connecting with friends and is a mom of five and grandma of four.

Marga Hanna

Marga Hanna

Marga Hanna, M.A., Dip. Ed., Dip. A.T., RCC, joined the Unitarian Church thirty years ago, much preferring its more liberal principles to those of the Lutheran faith, in which she was raised in Germany. She is an outspoken advocate of the democratic process and freedom of expression.

She worked as a Trauma Treatment Therapist for eighteen years and now offers seminars on ‘Fostering the Creative Process’ and ‘Mythology as a Personal Quest’.

She has been an active Board Member of her local Unitarian Church for the past three years, helping to guide her congregation through a very difficult period of internal conflict and divisiveness, focusing on retaining, working within, and maintaining the Seven Principles as a strong foundation of Unitarianism. Marga is an active member of NAUA, the International Convocation of Unitarian Universalist Women and of NAUA’s International Alliance of Unitarians and Universalists.


Terry Anderson

Terry Anderson Ph.D.

Terry has been a Unitarian since he was 21. He is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane where he serves as a Host for the Sunday Service Zoom Group. He is currently a member of the NAUA Provisional Board of Trustees and has served as lead for the technical team that maintains NAUA’s web site, Facebook and X presences. Terry conceived of the NAUA Academy and serves on its Advisory Board. His careers include, education administrator, University faculty member, and academic journal editor. His research and publications are related to distance and online education. He lives in Edmonton Alberta with his wife Susan.

Mike Long

Mike Long

Mike  “converted” from Catholicism to UU 35 years ago.  He was a member of a 600-member congregation where he was Chair of various committees and task forces, including long-range planning, membership, stewardship and small group ministry. He served on the Board of Trustees of the congregation and the Open Door School and as Chair of the Endowment Fund. He is now a member of UUC Spokane attending services regularly via Zoom. Mike is currently a member of the NAUA Provisional Board of Trustees and  also created and coordinates NAUA’s CIRCLES.  He has spent the past 50 years doing special situation investment analysis. He and wife Heather live in Charlotte, NC, and have two married daughters and one granddaughter.    

Ron Strange

Ron Strange

Ron Strange describes himself as a Traditional Transcendentalist Unitarian. He is one of the founders of the new Salish Sea Fellowship (SSF), which he serves as a Board Member. He is deeply committed to the ideal of liberal religion, the concept of classical Enlightenment liberalism, the Transcendentalism expressed by Henry David Thoreau, a Zen/Taoist approach to life and still survives as an unreformed romantic idealist and tree hugger. He is deeply interested in the philosophical concept of “Deep Ecology” and the psychology of Carl Jung and now offers courses on these subjects at SSF.  As one of the original members of NAUA, Ron currently serves as a member of the Provisional Board of Trustees.