Programs and Services
NAUA offers a supportive community in which our members can work together to promote our liberal values and to have a positive impact and presence in the world.
We welcome and encourage our members to get involved by volunteering to help create and sustain our growing number of services and support.
List of Services
As a new organization, many of our services are still in development but do or will include the following:

Community Worship
On the third Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. PST, NAUA hosts online worship services that can be attended live via Zoom. Titles and speakers for upcoming services can be found on our events calendar. Recordings of past service are available here..

Liberal Beacon is our monthly online publication informing our members about NAUA events and news, as well as insightful articles of interest to religious liberals. Liberal Beacon always provides and welcomes space for feedback from our readers.

Annual Meetings
Each year we hold a meeting allowing every member to vote on matters important to the Association, like approving bylaw changes and electing leaders. These meetings will also be a source of inspiration, learning, and connection with others.

Small Group Ministry
NAUA members meet virtually in a variety of groups based on support, shared interests, making friends, and learning.
These activities include NAUA Academy, Circles, Informal Chats and a soon be added Bookclub
Click here to see a calendar of upcoming and past NAUA sponsored events

NAUA Academy
Learning about the history and values of liberal religion and topics related to social justice and environmental issues are among the interesting classes and presentations provided in our ongoing education program. Click here to find and register for upcoming programs and to review past courses.

Ministerial Search
Honoring the congregational freedom our religion is founded upon, NAUA serves as a clearinghouse allowing ministers and congregations in search to find each other. It is up to each congregation to determine the credentials and experiences they are looking for and to verify both. NAUA provides advice, resources and best practices guides for finding quality leaders for our congregations.

Professional Advice
NAUA membership includes many ministers with years of experience who are willing to provide guidance to congregations and fellowships regarding organizational matters and questions. (This service does not include individual therapy or counseling).

Support for Ministers
On the fourth Thursday of each month at 10:00 a.m. PST, NAUA ministers can attend a regular meeting meant to foster support, collegiality, and learning. Periodically, there are also longer ministerial gatherings that include unique programs and professional development.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you. Please complete the form at right and the appropriate NAUA board member will respond to your request, suggestion or input.,