What stage of Reaction to the Changes in Unitarian Universalism are you at?

In this insightful article, Dr. Stephen Polmar examines changes and reactions within the Unitarian movement using the famous stages of grief model developed by Dr. Kubler Ross.
This article was first published in the Oct. 2023 issue of the Liberal Beacon and bears reading -for a second time. Many of us in the NAUA have reacted strongly against the critical theory driven agenda of most of the leadership in today’s Unitarian congregations. But where and how does that leave individuals with long records of service and support for their local congregation and the wider denominations?
This article helps us navigate our own internal feelings and may well help us move forward with understanding and resolve to make things better.
The whole issue of the Beacon, led by Stephen’s excellent article is available for download
Does this article resonate with your expereince. What stage of grief are you at?