New Summit Special Issue of the Liberal Beacon

This Issue of the Liberal Beacon introduces the Beacon’s new editor John Griffin.

It features extensive details about the upcoming NAUA Summit to be held Oct. 17-20 in Spokane and online via Zoom.  Besides details of the Summit, this issue features short bios of the NAUA members who have been nominated for the Board and a draft of the proposed NAUA Bylaws to be discussed and voted upon.

Download Liberal Beacon #13 PDF

NAUA and the Future of Liberal Religion

NAUA & the Future of Liberal Religion
As NAUA prepares for its first Summit in Spokane,  Rev. Dr. Todd F. Eklof will share his thoughts about the direction it should take in its efforts to help Unitarianism and liberal religion to carry on and thrive. This presentation will include his ideas about membership growth, outreach, and future kinds so services and support NAUA might offer.

Speaker Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof

When Oct. 8 2024 at 4:30 PDT (7:30 EDT).

You MUST register for the session to obtain the Zoom URL.

The presentation features a guest speaker, a question and answer and then a smart breakout group.

NAUA Service: 9/21/2024 – Healing the West by Julian Adorney

NAUA Service: 9/21/2024 - Healing the West by Julian Adorney

This monthly service includes Chalice Lighting, Hymns, guest music and an very interesting guest speaker – Julian Adorney. Julian Adorney is the founder of Heal the West, a Substack movement dedicated to preserving and repairing our liberal social contract. . He is also a contributor to Reality’s Last Stand. On his vision, he writes, “The North Star of my life is to heal the West. I perceive 3 existential threats: left-wing illiberalism, right-wing illiberalism, and toxic polarization.”