3/12/2024 – I Before We, Except Overseas: Tracing the Roots of our Multi-Century Identity Crisis by Ken Ing

I Before We Except Overseas – Tracing The Roots Of Our Multi-Century Identity Crisis
Most cultures of European descent cultivate individual identity more than other cultures of the world. We have to go back 60, or 100, or perhaps 300 years to find the roots of our contemporary debates over the role of identity in our society. One intriguing theory is that this focus on individual identity has been intentional and has a distinct purpose. This talk will look at some theories that help explain how we have ended up with increasingly destabilizing disagreements about culture and politics in North America and Europe.

1/23/2024 – Plus ça change: David Reich revisits his 2010 satire, “The Antiracism Trainings”

David Reich has written a funny, incisive novel about race, religion, and office politics.  He’s fearlessly unpious, observant, and witty, but he’s also fair to his flawed and often enjoyably irksome characters.  His gift for finding nuanced humanity in their semi-good intentions gives warmth and life to this quietly ambitious satire. -Carlo Rotella, author of Cut Time: An Education at the Fights.

David Reich’s thoughtful satire about a faithless Jewish editor of a magazine published by a post-Christian secular religion depicts a world where orthodoxy has replaced belief, where ideology has supplanted intelligence-a world easily mistaken for our own.    -John Biguenet, author of Oyster and The Torturer’s

Other recorded sessions from the NAUA Academy are available at: https://naunitarians.org/project/anti-racist-trainings/

12/13/2023 – Lessons from the Unitarian Quest for Consensus 1865-1895 by Kevin McCulloch

The Transcendentalist critique of historical Christianity created a rift in the Unitarian church between traditional-minded Unitarian Christians and more radical Free Religionists who felt that the church should embrace a more universal form of religion. Although the National Conference of Unitarian Churches was founded in 1865, it took nearly 30 years for the conference participants to reach consensus on a statement that defined what it meant to be a Unitarian. Since we are living through another period where there is a lack of consensus on what Unitarianism and Unitarian Universalism are all about, we will revisit this earlier conflict to see what lessons it holds for us today.

Speaker: A lifelong UU, Kevin McCulloch holds a Master’s of Theological Studies from the Candler School of Theology at Emory University, where he studied American religious history. He most recently taught Unitarian Universalist history as a member of the adult religious education committee at All Souls Church Unitarian in Washington, DC.

11/14/2023 – Parliament of the World’s Religions by Bruce Knotts

“We accept all Religions as Truth” are the words spoken by Swami Vivekananda at the founding of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1893 in Chicago. Our speaker is Bruce Knotts, a Trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Bruce discusses the founding and history of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, as well as its Mission to create and cultivate harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities, foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world. This same sentiment is reflected in the 6th Principle of Unitarian Universalism, ”the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all”.

9/19/2023 – Left vs Left: What’s Happening Here Ain’t Exactly Clear by Ken Ing

Sept. 19, 4:30 PM PDT (7:30 EDT)

Ken Ing looks at Unitarian life in a age of identity politics.

We are very pleased to highlight this exceptional video. Ken has created some compelling and engaging slides and narrates the phiolosopy and ideas that are propelling the current wave of anti-racism. A must see and share for concerned Unitarians 

The ideological differences causing rifts in many UU Congregations did not originate in Unitarian Universalism. Many countries that trace their heritage back to the Enlightenment are experiencing an ideological tug-of-war between traditional liberals and an identity-centric movement. Most traditional liberals don’t understand the belief systems underlying the identity-centric movement. Ken’s talk will attempt to explain those belief systems, and the reasoning behind them. He will be synthesizing the insights and perspectives of numerous books and other published writings. Ken believes we can’t resolve a conflict if we can’t articulate the perspectives of both sides.

Ken Ing retired in 2019 after spending his entire career in Information Technology. He lives in the northwest portion of the state of Washington. He is a frequent contributor to the local UU Fellowship’s adult learning program, creating 13 talks over the past 4 years, usually about history or politics. He is a member of the NAUA Academy Advisory Board