Parliament of the World’s Religions

A recording of the Nov. 2023 NAUA Academy Session is now available.

“We accept all Religions as Truth” are the words spoken by Swami Vivekananda at the founding of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1893 in Chicago. Our speaker is Bruce Knotts, a Trustee of the Parliament of the World’s Religions.

Bruce discusses the founding and history of the Parliament of the World’s Religions, as well as its Mission to create and cultivate harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities, foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world. This same sentiment is reflected in the 6th Principle of Unitarian Universalism, ”the goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all”.  

Online Communities – Good enough?

The link from this page is to the recording of a recent service at UUSpokane. This regular service is not an NAUA event, but given the need in the NAUA and all distributed organizations to create and sustain online communities, I hope it will be of interest. I also am at risk of “blowing my own horn” in that I (Terry Anderson) was the speaker.

The talk is entitled Online and Offline Community – Building Effective, Sustainable and Enjoyable Religious Communities. I overview the ways that religious communities are using the internet to support a variety of personal and ritualized interaction designed to support and build  community.

The service recording is at  The talk begins at approx. minute 28 of this recording.

Tributes to Rev. Dr. Finley C. Campbell

In this special issue of UUMUAC”s View from the Mountaintop 11 friends provide memories and pictures of  Rev. Dr Finley C. Campbell, 

Rev Campbell was the founder of the Unitarian Universalist Multiracial Unity Action Council. (UUMUAC) 

Finley’s principled anti-racism, so thoroughly uncompromising, led him to an understanding that is still not grasped by many people: that racism in many forms globally is the obstacle that holds back all social progress. 

He fought for multi-racial unity against racism and all other forms of economic, political, social, and cultural discrimination. His work bore fruit, not just in UUMUAC, but in the tens of thousands who have been directly and indirectly influenced by his work and who, in turn, will carry that forward. 

He leaves a hole in the hearts and minds of all who knew him. 

Different Responses to the Current State of Unitarian Universalism

The illiberalism that currently exerts control over the Unitarian Universalist denomination gives rise to many intense feelings. In this essay, reprinted from Issue #7 of the Liberal Beacon,Stephen Palmer aptly describes these reactions with which many of us are currently struggling.

The essay uses the lens of Kubler-Ross’s Stages of Grief model.  This model and Stephen’s comments can help us resolve and turn this grief into positive actions.

The essay is entitled Different Responses to the Current State of Unitarian Universalism


Rev. Kake Rhode opens law suit against the UUA

Rev. Kate Rhode has successfully launched her lawsuit against the UUA. In the suit she charges that the UUA unlawfully disfellowshipped her and thus eliminated her pension. This follows a distinguished career as a UU minister. She served many congregations over 40 years of successful UU ministry.

Rev. Rhode has launched a GoFund Me page entitled “Make the UUA Responsible” at which she has (to date) raised over $27,000 on a goal of raising $48,000 for her legal expenses.

At the GoFundMe site she writes

“Recently, here in the U.S., the Unitarian Universalist Association has been captured by ideologues who hold power, silence and even punish dissent, and undermine democratic processes. They have captured ministerial certification and education, have done away with due process, and have surrounded what they are doing with such secrecy that the majority of church members are entirely unaware of what has happened to their formerly liberal faith. The Unitarian Universalist leaders and some laity are admonishing, censuring, and even expelling ministers and members who have run afoul of current orthodoxies.”

We hope her suit is successful and reminds UU leadership that criticism and debate are critical components of a liberal religion and not actions to be silenced.

You are encouraged to support Rev. Rhode financially and by sharing this website with other concerned Unitarians.