Origin story of the NAUA – According to Chat GPT

The Origin of the North American Unitarian Association (NAUA)
The North American Unitarian Association (NAUA) was founded in 2022 as a response to concerns that the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) had shifted away from its core values of religious freedom, intellectual inquiry, and diversity of thought.
A group of Unitarian Universalists, including congregational leaders and laypeople, felt that the UUA had become increasingly illiberal and authoritarian, prioritizing ideological conformity over open dialogue and free conscience.
These individuals sought to revive Unitarianism and Universalism as traditions centered on freedom of belief, rational thought, and respect for diverse perspectives. The NAUA was created as an alternative association that would promote liberal religious pluralism and uphold the values of individual autonomy and open inquiry, resisting the growing influence of political orthodoxy within the UUA.
The NAUA serves as a platform for those who feel alienated by the UUA’s increasingly doctrinaire approach, providing a space for those who believe in freedom to think for oneself and the dignity of diverse beliefs.
By Chat GPT Courtesy Jan Anderson, March  2025.

When Liberalism Goes Terribly Wrong

When Liberalism Goes Terribly Wrong (Alternatively – When Populism Swings Left)

As always, the service will be recorded and available after Aug. 19 on the UUSpokane YouTube site.
However, we hope you will join us on Zoom at tinyurl.com/spokanezoom.` Participating in real time allows you to get to know new Unitarian friends and engage in a lively discussion after the service. If you would like to receive a weekly reminder of the sermon topic and the zoom address you can join the UUSpokane Google group by emailing web@naunitarians.org

Liberal values are the only values that have ever moved humanity forward, toward its fuller potential. Yet this does not mean its promise has only been stalled because of resistance from those of a more conservative spirit who are fearful of any and all change. Throughout history, those professing liberalism and its values have often proven to be the worst offenders of human dignity and welfare. In this sermon, we’ll consider some of the warning signs of a liberalism that’s gone wrong.

New Edition of the UUnderWorld

UU Underworld Aug '24

The  Aug. 2024 issue of the UU Underworld: A Newsletter for Unitarian Universalist FreeThinkers is now available.here.This version of the UUUnderworld features articles, advise, humour and letters to the editor.

Make sure you read and share Rebecca Pace’s warning to WATCH YOUR CHURCH’S ASSETS! The Association’s Backdoor Way of Owning Your Church.

And finally do your friends and Unitarian’s everywhere a favour by sharing this link!

Unitarianism and Freedom of Thought – by John Dietrich updated by and Todd Eklof

While many of us had the opportunity to hear Rev. Eklof present an amended version of Rev. John Dietrich’s 1918 sermon,  “Unitarianism and Freedom of Thought”, last Sunday on UUSpokane zoom, some of you did not.

For me, it was an extremely powerful and meaningful experience.

While one can watch the Service on YouTube. However, there are so many important ideas expressed in the sermon that I wanted to have the text so that I could study it more carefully, share it with others and keep it for reference.

A guest post by Stephen Polmar

New post GA issue of the UnderWorld

The UU Underworld – A Newsletter for Unitarian Universalist FreeThinkers is a new occasional periodical edited by John Griffin Miller. This 25 page, 2024 Post GA issue of the Underworld, contains  a summary of the activities and results of the recent General Assembly as well as their potential impact on UU Congregations . It includes a checklist of things for a congregation to deal with if they decide to leave the UUA.. These are followed by three longer essays:

  • The 2 Cultures of Unitarian-Universalism by GEORGE Q TYREBYTER
  • How The UUA Manufactures Consent Reverend Gary Kowalski
  • Why Anti-Racism Will Fail By Thandeka,

The newsletter is a useful summary of the past and a road map for a future for Unitarians that includes the NAUA.



UUA Delegates Vote to Eliminate Principles and Sources

The voting delegates to the 2024 UUA General Assembly voted 80.2% to amend Article 2 of their bylaws to remove the 7 Principles and the Sources and to replace them with a set of values with ‘love’ at their centre.  

Amendments to add “Reason” and “Peace” to the list of guiding values were defeated by the delegates. The resulting JET PIG diagram (at left) has become a visual image of these new values and the direction the Unitarian Universalist denomination in now headed. You will note that “a free and responsible search for truth and meaning;” and ” The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregation” are absent from these values.

These results end a multi year battle to retain the liberal Principles that have guided Unitarian Congregations since 1980’s. One long term member expresses his reaction to this vote below:



Eulogy to Unitarian Universalist Liberalism

By Mark Perloe – June 2024

Unitarian Universalism taught us that the sacred tapestry of life is woven from threads of many colors and textures. It showed us the beauty of a pluralistic vision, where each unique strand was integral to the whole. It was a tradition that found strength in its openness, its commitment to democratic principles, and its unyielding belief in the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Yet, there came a time when the winds of change shifted, and with heavy hearts, we witnessed a narrowing of that once-expansive horizon. The celebration of diversity gave way to a singular focus, and the chorus of many voices fell silent before a dominant creed. The garden of free thought, once lush with varied blooms, began to fade, as only certain flowers were tended to.

Today, we honor the legacy of what Unitarian Universalism once was—a sanctuary for free spirits, a school for thought, and a community bound by love and respect. We cherish the memories of its vibrant days and hold close the lessons it imparted upon us. May the spirit of true inclusivity and open-hearted dialogue live on in each of us, as we carry forward the flame of compassion and justice in our own ways.

In its essence, Unitarian Universalism reminded us that we are all part of an interconnected web of existence, and it is in this spirit that we say farewell. May its memory inspire us to build bridges where walls have risen and to light the way for a future where every voice can once again find its song.

Rest in peace, dear friend. Your vision of a world united in diversity will not be forgotten.

You may wish to reflect on these momentous changes as you listen to the “saddest song ever”  from Barber’s Adagio.

The NAUA aspires to support liberal religion despite this set back in our hopes and ideals.

Please share your reaction to this development on our X or Facebook groups.