Special NAUA Service on Sunday Jan. 20 2024

This service features a sermon by Rev. Dr. Todd Eklof, entitled “Finding Our Way: Where Our Liberal Religion Must Go From Here”.

Rev. Eklof is the Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane,  President and Founder of the North American Unitarian Association and is now one of the preeminent champions of Liberal Religion in North America and the World.

Rev. Eklof describes his sermon as:

Somehow, over the past few decades, Unitarians and Universalists have lost our way, often demonstrating the very opposite of our purposes and principles. Now, whatever we are about must include regaining our place as am influential liberal religious voice in the world. It is not to correct others, including the UUA, nor to exist in opposition to anyone or anything.  We are here to benefit and guide others by promoting and demonstrating who we are and what we are about. In this sermon, we’ll consider more precisely what this means.

The Service begins at 10:00 PST (1:00 PM EST)

Zoom access at https://tinyurl.com/NAUAService

ALL are Welcomed!


12/16/2023 – Blue Christmas by Rev. Twinkle Manning

December’s NAUA worship service theme was: “Blue Christmas.” The holiday season, while filled with light, can create palpable darkness. This service offers a space to hold your grief sacred and to honor any loss or pain you are feeling. Join us for heartfelt music, sacred solace and reflection. This service includes Christmas, Solstice and Hanukah Music.

Our worship leader for this service was Rev. “Twinkle” Marie ManningTwinkle is the contract minister for the Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville, Maine. She is an author, poet, retreat leader and liturgist, as well as a semi-retired television producer. She served for many years on the core leadership team for UU Women and Religion and is the Creator of the UU Talks platform. Her theology is centered in, “Living Life as a Prayer.” For more information about Rev. “Twinkle” Marie Manning, visit: www.TwinklesPlace.org www.EmpoweringWomenTV.org www.TVforYourSoul.org

9/16/2023 – Thoughts are Free by Bob Meyerson

Our Sept. speaker is Bob Meyerson
Topic: “Thoughts Are Free,” from a 500 year old German Folk Song. Bob will talk about how free thought and free expression can be instruments of positive change, whether for major political reasons or religious thought.

Topic:  “Thoughts Are Free,” from a 500 year old German Folk Song. Bob will talk about how free thought and free expression can be instruments of positive change, whether for major political reasons or religious thought.
Bob grew up in New Jersey and spent his career in the insurance business and graduated from Farleigh Dickinson University .  He later attended Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church in Hayward, and became a UU in 2001. “I was always a UU, but didn’t know it ‘til then.

Bob  has led services at Starr King and about 6 or 7 churches in Northern
California. Bob is a folk music buff, and he feels that carrying on the folk tradition is one of his callings, He has had a long history of supporting liberal causes from his early 20’s and ongoing. Civil Rights have been a passion with Bob since his teenage years. He was a founder and first president of the West Essex (NJ) Human Relations Council, and Chairperson of the Caldwell (NJ) Board of Health.