6/15/2024 – Renewing Our Free and Resp. Search for Truth & Meaning by Odell Havsdotter


Renewing Our Free and Resp. Search for Truth & Meaning by Odell Havsdotter

We will examine what it means to renew and regenerate our commitment to our fourth principle. What does it mean to be free in our search, and what does it mean to be responsible in our search? There will be opportunities for attendees to share their perspectives on this topic with others.  

5/18/2024 – A Life Well Lived

Bob Simoni lead May’s NAUA Community Worship service which is entitled “A Life Well Lived”, a phrase which you might hear used at a Memorial Service for someone who led an exemplary life. The sermon will discuss what are some of the significant events of a person’s life that would lead one to say it was a “life well lived”, and whether it’s something we should aspire to have happen at the end of our lives.

05/14/24 – Color Blindness: Part of the Problem or Part of the Solution? -Dr. Terry Anderson

Color Blindness: Part of the Problem or Part the Solution?

In this NAUA Academy class Terry Anderson overviews the controversial idea that color blindness is the best way to equality and to combat racism.  

The argument was fueled by Coleman Hughe’s Ted Talk, the controversy that arose from his talk and his new book – The End of Race Politics.

We also look at Sheena Mason’s Theory of Racelessness.

And finaly we examine those who believe that we can’t just wish racism away by attempting to ignore it.

You are encouraged to register for this event. When you do you will receive a confirmation and a reminder 2 days before the event.

Zoom Address:  tinyurl.com/nauaacademy


May 14th, 2024 4:30 PM

4/10/2024 – How Migration Really Works – Bruce Knotts


Bruce Knotts presents a discussion based upon the new book by Hein de Haas entitled “How Migration Really Works”. Hein de Hass is a professor of sociology at the University of Amsterdam and founding member of the  Migration Institute at the University of Oxford.  In this book Prof. de Haas demolishes 22 myths about migration that too often shape our policies and attitudes.

Our speaker, Bruce Knotts, served as the Regional Refugee Coordinator in West Africa for the U.S. Government from 2000 to 2003. He currently teaches a course on refugees and migration at New York University, School of Social Work. He will discuss the current political debates on immigration and the plethora of misinformation on the subject.