9/19/2023 – Left vs Left: What’s Happening Here Ain’t Exactly Clear by Ken Ing

Sept. 19, 4:30 PM PDT (7:30 EDT)

Ken Ing looks at Unitarian life in a age of identity politics.

We are very pleased to highlight this exceptional video. Ken has created some compelling and engaging slides and narrates the phiolosopy and ideas that are propelling the current wave of anti-racism. A must see and share for concerned Unitarians 

The ideological differences causing rifts in many UU Congregations did not originate in Unitarian Universalism. Many countries that trace their heritage back to the Enlightenment are experiencing an ideological tug-of-war between traditional liberals and an identity-centric movement. Most traditional liberals don’t understand the belief systems underlying the identity-centric movement. Ken’s talk will attempt to explain those belief systems, and the reasoning behind them. He will be synthesizing the insights and perspectives of numerous books and other published writings. Ken believes we can’t resolve a conflict if we can’t articulate the perspectives of both sides.

Ken Ing retired in 2019 after spending his entire career in Information Technology. He lives in the northwest portion of the state of Washington. He is a frequent contributor to the local UU Fellowship’s adult learning program, creating 13 talks over the past 4 years, usually about history or politics. He is a member of the NAUA Academy Advisory Board

7/18/2023 – Race Amity by Dr. Joyce Francis

America’s current moral reckoning with its racist past and present too often proves more divisive than constructive.  The National Center for Race Amity (NCRA) seeks to move the public discourse on race beyond the blame-grievance-rejection framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity and collaborative action.

The perspective of “The Other Tradition” is that the dominant tradition of racism has always had a parallel moral counterweight which held at its core humanistic and spiritual values that promoted racial and social justice.  This introduction will share stories of Race Amity in history – as well as current, local examples of Race Amity in Action – from which NCRA affiliates have developed educational programs in libraries, churches and community centers.

Facilitator Joyce Francis, Ph.D., taught international affairs at George Mason, Tulane, and American University.  She is a member her county Friends of Race Amity, as well as a member of Quimper UU Fellowship in Port Townsend, WA, and co-facilitator of its 4th Principle Affinity Group.

6/20/2023 – Climate Action – Risk and Opportunity by Dr. Jan Dash

Image of a tree that appears to be located between two climates. One climate on one side is dry and appears abused; the other side is healthy and refreshed.

Unitarian Universalist Climate Action-Opportunity and Risk.

The speaker will be Dr. Jan Dash who is the Editor of the Journal of Climate Action, Research and Policy, the Editor of the World Scientific Climate Encyclopedia and the Gabelli Fellow and Visiting Scholar at Fordham University.

Review of climate change-risk and opportunity.
Vision for Unitarian Universalism being a powerful national voice for more urgent climate action.

What can the NAUA do for climate action?
After the Dr Dash’s presentation a brief Q&A session will follow and the session concludes with breakouts rooms that allow you to get to know new friends!

Register at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0549abaf2da6fe3-uuclimate#/

Date: June 20, 2023

Time 4:30-6:30 PDT, 7:30-9:30 EDT

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