6/15/2024 – Renewing Our Free and Resp. Search for Truth & Meaning by Odell Havsdotter


Renewing Our Free and Resp. Search for Truth & Meaning by Odell Havsdotter

We will examine what it means to renew and regenerate our commitment to our fourth principle. What does it mean to be free in our search, and what does it mean to be responsible in our search? There will be opportunities for attendees to share their perspectives on this topic with others.  

5/18/2024 – A Life Well Lived

Bob Simoni lead May’s NAUA Community Worship service which is entitled “A Life Well Lived”, a phrase which you might hear used at a Memorial Service for someone who led an exemplary life. The sermon will discuss what are some of the significant events of a person’s life that would lead one to say it was a “life well lived”, and whether it’s something we should aspire to have happen at the end of our lives.

4/20/2024 – Immigration/living in another culture – Being Welcoming

This month’s service features a sermon by Joyce Kinnear  and her topic is  “Immigration/living in another culture – Being welcoming”


Joyce and her husband Scott are long time Unitarians who have lived in Panama for the past few years and have recently moved to Mexico; they used to live in Castro Valley, California.

2/17/2024 – Abolitionist Rev. Samuel Joseph May by Rev. Rick Davis

The Reverend Rick Davis talks about American Unitarian Rev. Samuel Joseph May who during the nineteenth century championed education, women’s rights, and abolition of slavery.

Aligning the efforts and successes of past Unitarian leaders, continues to provide inspiration and lessons for each of us.