7/18/2023 – Race Amity by Dr. Joyce Francis

America’s current moral reckoning with its racist past and present too often proves more divisive than constructive.  The National Center for Race Amity (NCRA) seeks to move the public discourse on race beyond the blame-grievance-rejection framework to one that recognizes and celebrates our ability to overcome racial prejudice through association, amity and collaborative action.

The perspective of “The Other Tradition” is that the dominant tradition of racism has always had a parallel moral counterweight which held at its core humanistic and spiritual values that promoted racial and social justice.  This introduction will share stories of Race Amity in history – as well as current, local examples of Race Amity in Action – from which NCRA affiliates have developed educational programs in libraries, churches and community centers.

Facilitator Joyce Francis, Ph.D., taught international affairs at George Mason, Tulane, and American University.  She is a member her county Friends of Race Amity, as well as a member of Quimper UU Fellowship in Port Townsend, WA, and co-facilitator of its 4th Principle Affinity Group.

ReligiousNews.com report of UUA General Assembly

Many NAUA members also belong to congregations that are members of the UUA or the CUC. Thus our interest in following news from these organizations.

The report from ReligiousNews.com provides a fairly balanced overview of the issues – notably the proposals to revise the bylaws and replace the current seven principles and sources. In the coming year UUA member congregations will be debating these proposed changes. We hope that readers query their delegates to the past and future general assemblies as to their voting behaviors and intentions to vote next year..


NAUA’s New Website

NAUA is pleased to unveil the new website from which you are viewing this post!  We are pleased to be working with Skvare a website developer. Skvare’s logo is “helping others, help others” indicating their history of successful projects working with a variety of non profit, NGO and educational organizations.

Skvare focusses on developing websites and technical systems using open-source software. For this site build, we chose to use WordPress- the world’s most popular and open-source website platform. We also asked Skvare to implement CiviCRM – also an open-source platform that is used for constituent relationship management.  CiviCRM will allow us to better serve our members from across the continent.

As always with a new site, you may find small errors (we hope not) or you may have suggestions for improving this site. These comments are welcomed and encouraged. Please email info@naua.org with any suggestions.